Owl & The Olive Tree
Crafting Skillsets for Web Design


Fundamental skills for design excellence...


  • Experienced Professional
  • Time Management
  • Task Orientated
  • Solution Focused


  • Marketing
  • Copywriting
  • Selling
  • Social Media


  • Creativity
  • Web Design
  • Photography
  • Innovation


  • Communication
  • Belief in the Product
  • Desire for Success
  • Love for Contribution


The Real Deal

When New Zealand went into COVID-19 lockdown March 2020, like many many others my thoughts (apart from what the hell!) went to what now. And then what next.

None of us knew what was ahead. I wanted to stay strong, motivated and have some direction.

I’d lost my work contract, but potentially had an unbelievable opportunity before me.

Two years before, I had completed an online NMIT course on digital photography and loved it.

Two cameras later, a heap of gear and endless hours of lockdown looming. I decided to use the opportunity to look into how I could make money online to develop my photography.

After researching I began to build an affiliate marketing website (4x6Photography) to help and encourage beginner photographers.

Blogging, marketing, design. It seemed like the perfect mix.

Loving life, I decided to commit to doing an NMIT course on front-end web design.

It seemed like a brilliant way to complement the massive amount of marketing skills I was learning. It was all go.

Change is as Good as a Holiday

The course. Assignment one (Owl House World) was a blast. Assignment two (GoldMIND Diaries) was a personal turning point.

Apparently it takes an average of three years to build up a solid authority site that earns a good income.

Although I had invested cash and hours into the photography site, my heart just wasn’t in it.

There was (is) so much content on photography. Fantastic resources, teams and people far more qualified than me on the subject.

So GoldMIND Diaries was born out of progressing through this web design course and will be the ongoing focus.

An affiliate marketing authority site dedicated to self-awareness and all it’s awesomeness. Whoop!

Owl & The Olive Tree

Owl & The Olive Tree is a reflective name for my experiences diving into this mind-blowing creative world of web design and online marketing.

This page is my last assignment for the web design course. A single responsive web design page to showcase developing capabilities.

The name is linked directly to Athena, the mythological Greek Goddess of Wisdom.

For the past six months (and counting) that’s all I seem to be doing.

Gaining knowledge, growing, learning - climbing up some crazy ladder.

I started with Owl House World as my first assignment, it seemed fitting to close with an Owl reference.

Everything always seems to linked.

I’ll close with a quote. I don’t know who wrote this but I remember being shown it decades ago.

Know Thyself

Watch your thoughts

For they become words.

Choose your words

For they become actions.

Understand your actions

For they become your habits.

Study your habits

For they become your character.

Develop your character

For it becomes your destiny.


Send me an email...


Or give me call...

027 6333 009

The World is a Nice Place
Olive Heart